Country Profile
Petroleum Geology & Potential
Exploration/Development History
Present Status
Offered Acreage
Policy for offering PCS's New Acreage
2nd Round of 2002
3rd Round of 2002
Contract Terms
Bidding Procedure
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  Policy for offering PCS's New Acreage
  • New acreages are offered and managed by the Government of Indonesia, c.q. the Directorate General of Oil and Gas (MIGAS).
  • New acreages are offered through the tender process (there is no direct negotiation).
  • Badan Pelaksana Hulu (Upstream Implementing Body) is the party that will sign the Cooperation Contract/Production Sharing Contract (PSC) Agreement with the successful bidder.


2nd Round of 2002
           Indonesia has put up on offer 17 blocks for exploration and production in its second tender round, with a deadline for the submission of bids set for end-July. The winners are expected to be announced by Sep 1, 2002.
The acreages are as follows:
  • Anambas Block offshore Natuna Sea; the Anambas block is considered gas-prone. The Gajah Putri-1 and Pelikan-1 wells drilled by Premier Oil in 1997 flowed 34.5 mm cfpd and 24.6 mm cfpd of gas respectively
  • Tigau and Mentana blocks in the Tarakan Basin offshore East Kalimantan;
  • Bangkanai block (previously operated by Unocal) also off East Kalimantan; The Bangkanai block in the Barito Basin is home to the Tanjung oil field discovered in 1938, which had a cumulative production of up to 100 mm barrels through January 1985. This block has estimated potential recoverable reserves of 252 mm barrel of oil and 2.71 tcf of gas
  • Polewali and Enrekang blocks onshore South Sulawesi;
  • Biga and Sigaf blocks in the Misool Basin in the Seram Sea;
  • Six Amborip blocks (Amborip I-VI) in the Arafura Shelf offshore southern Irian Jaya;
  • Jangeru and Taritip and Muara Bakau deep water blocks in the Makassar Strait off East Kalimantan. The acreages in the Makassar Strait are considered attractive on account of the adjacent onshore Kutei Basin in East Kalimantan, which extends into the straits and is flagged as one of the most prolific basins in Indonesia, with at least 12 bn barrel of oil equivalent discovered to date

3rd Round of 2002
           Information on this round is still being prepared, and that will be announced by the President Megawati Sukarnoputri by early September 2002, during the announcement of the winner of the bidder of 2nd round.

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Last Update : 8 August 2002