  Exploration Promotion Forum (EPF) - The Concept
Exploration Promotion Forum (EPF) - The Concept
The CCOP Exploration Promotion Forum (CCOP - EPF)
          Efficient petroleum resource management is based on a positive interaction between government institutions and industry. There is a need for this dialogue both before and after licensing. Good communication between governments and the oil industry in the promotion process is crucial to achieve petroleum resource management efficiency.

         The essential is to present the Member Country's possibilities and opportunities with respect to petroleum exploration and production in such a way that potential foreign investors have the best relevant and needed information.

         The Exploration Promotion Forum (EPF) replaces a large number of international meetings on bilateral basis. It provides key decision makers with an opportunity to expose themselves to the market realities directly and functions as a market place with improved efficiency over a series of bilateral meetings. It also exposes issues, which are best addressed at regional, global or industry wide levels.

         Host countries, oil companies and international organizations are executing extensive programs with the aim of promoting or acquiring exclusive exploration and production rights. These efforts take place worldwide. In addition to promoting its own resource potential, Norway supports several countries in their exploration promotion programs.

Sedimentary Isopach Map of East and Southeast Asia
  The CCOP Exploration Promotion Forum (CCOP - EPF)
           The CCOP Exploration Promotion Forum (CCOP-EPF) is the concluding activity of the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) - funded Resource Evaluation and Planning Phase II (REP-II) Project in the CCOP region. As expressed in the REP-II project document the goal of EPF is as follows:

"To create the governments' awareness of the necessity of attracting external enterprises and establish realistic commercial expectations and priorities - and to bring the governments of CCOP Member Countries together with the international oil companies"

           The CCOP-EPF will contribute to the exposure of the oil and gas industry of CCOP Member Countries to the outside world to promote business opportunities.

         A common promotion campaign for this region was conducted, for the first time, at the Exploration Promotion Forum 1994, immediately following The World Petroleum Congress 1994 in Stavanger, Norway. The Norwegian foundation, PETRAD in co-operation with NOPEC, a consulting company was responsible for the technical arrangement for CCOP, and a total of 19 countries, from Former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, CCOP Member Countries and some other developing countries participated.

         The CCOP-EPF was originally planned as a stand alone event. However, with the change in focus of some Member Countries' energy programmes, CCOP has explored possibilities on how to implement this activity and to bring maximum benefits to the Member Countries.  In this regard, CCOP is organizing the EPF 2002 in conjunction with a major international oil and gas conference - The Offshore Northern Seas 2002 15th International Conference, Exhibition and Festival in Stavanger, Norway 27-30 August 2002, as well as promotion using the Internet. The rapid development of the internet-based dissemination of information and its immense potential for the future led CCOP to consider the use of this powerful tool for the Exploration Promotion Forum.

          Participating Member Countries in the CCOP-EPF will invite oil companies to bid on available acreage and are expected to present important information relating to this such as:

  • Definition of areas available for licensing, i.e. block pattern
  • Description of necessary documents required for license application, necessary procedures that have to be followed and eventually a time schedule for formal licensing round if this is planned
  • A technical evaluation report of the areas that are available for licensing
  • Listing and price for available data
  • A review of operational conditions and infrastructure
  • An overview of relevant government institutions and their responsibilities
  • Relevant legislation
  • Model agreement if available

“CCOP would like to express its appreciation to the CCOP Member Countries’ national coordinators and their colleagues for their contribution of vast amount of information to the CCOP-EPF Website”

"The boundaries and names shown and the designations used in this website on CCOP EPF
do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by CCOP."

Copyright © Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP)
24th Floor, Suite 244-5, Thai CC Tower, 889 Sathorn Tai Road, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120, THAILAND
Tel: (662) 672-3080-1 Fax: (662) 673-3082 E-mail:
Last Update: 8 August 2002