Cambodia is located in South East Asia and lies in a tropical zone between 10 and 14 degree latitude north of the equator. Cambodia has a land area of 181 035 km2 neighboring with Laos to the north, Vietnam to the east, the Gulf of Thailand to the south and southwest and Thailand to the west and northwest.
        Cambodia's two dominant topographic features are the Mekong River and the Tonle Sap (Great Lake). The centre of Cambodia, around the Tonle Sap and Mekong Delta, is topographically characterized by a low-lying alluvial plain. The border area is mountainous.

        The recent census indicates that the population is approximately 13 million. The ethnic groupings of Cambodia are 90% Khmer, and 5% mix of Chinese, and Vietnamese. Around 70% of the population lives in the central plains.

        Located in the tropical region, Cambodia is affected by three seasons: cold (November to February), dry (March to May) and rainy (June to October). The temperature is fairly uniform throughout the year, and average about 27 degrees centigrade.

        Cambodian (Khmer) is the national and official language but English and French are spoken in hotel and business circles.
Total Area : 181,035 square kilometres
Province : 24
Population : 13 million
Capital : Phnom Penh
Religion : Buddhism (95%)
Climate : Tropical
Average Temperature : 27.6°C (81.7°F)
Season : Cold Season (Nov.-Feb.)
Hot Season (Mar.-May)
Rainy Season (Jun.-Oct.)
Language : Cambodian
Monarchy : Constitutional Monarchy
H.M. King Norodom Sihanouk
H.M. Queen Monineath Sihanouk
Political System : Parliamentary Democracy
Government : Prime Minister and Cabinet
Currency : Riel
Exchange Rate : US$1= 3900 Riels
GDP Real Economic : 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Growth Rate (%) :  5.5   3.7   1.8    5.0   5.5

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Last Update: 8 August 2002