The Kingdom of Thailand covers an area of 513,115 square kilometers. It covers a maximum north-south distance of 25,000km and 1,250km in east-west direction. Thailand is bordered by Laos and Myanmar to the north, Cambodia and the Gulf of Thailand to the east, Myanmar and the Andaman Sea of Indian Ocean to the west and Malaysia to the south. It  can be  divided into four natural region; the costal lowlands, wooded mountain ranges, arid upland plains and fertile central plain.

        Thailand is a warm and rather humid tropical country with monsoonal climate of a pronounced rainy season from May to September and a relatively dry season for the rest of the year.

        The county consists of 76 provinces including the Bangkok Metropolitan. Bangkok is the capital city and is located in the central region. Other major cities include Chiang Mai, Phitsanulok, Nakhon Ratchasima, Ubon Ratchthani, Khon Kaen, Songkhla and Nakhon Si Thammarat.

        Thai language is spoken by 100% of the population with dialects spoken in rural areas.  Other languages include Malay and Chinese while English is widely understood in the cities, particularly in Bangkok.


Official Name Kingdom of Thailand
Capital Bangkok
Area 513,115 km2
Language Thai
Currency Baht
Time Difference GMT + 7 hours
  2001P* 2002E* Unit
GNP per capita 1800.43   US $
GDP at 1988 constant prices 68.76 70.48 - 71.17 billion US $
Growth rate of GDP 1.8 2.5 - 3.5 %
Growth rate of agriculture 1.5   %
Growth rate of non-agriculture 1.8   %
Inflation 1.6 0.6 %
Exports (% change) 63.2 (6.9%) 9.5 (-7.2%) billion US $
Imports (% change) 60.7(2.8%) 9.2 (-10.7%) billion US $
Trade balance 2.5 0.3 billion US $
Current account balance 6.2 1.3 billion US $
Balance of payments 1.3 1 billion US $
International reserves 33 34 billion US $
Exchange rate 44.48 43.92 US $ 1
Major Trade Partners

Singapore, US, UK, Germany, Japan

Oil Production 22.61    
Gas Production 693.14    
Condensate Production 18.88    
Energy Consumption 0.95    
Indigenous petroleum contribution 45    
Growth rate of petroleum demand 1.3    
Total proved oil reserves 325    
Total proved gas reserves 13.34    
Total proved condensate reserves 258    
Hydrocarbon executive agency Department of Mineral Resources
Petroleum contract type Concession System
Exploration period 6 years with a possible extension of 3 years
Production period 20 years with a possible extension of 10 years
Bonuses and other advantages Voluntary basis
Royalty Sliding scale 5-15%
Income Tax 50% of taxable profit
     E* = Estimated; P* = Preliminary

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Last Update: 8 August 2002