CCOP-Exploration Promotion Forum (CCOP-EPF2002)
in conjunction with Offshore Northern Seas (ONS2002)
15th International Conference, Exhibition and Festival
27-30 August 2002, Stavanger, Norway




4-Day Conference On "PetroMin Deepwater Technology"; July 14-17, 2003; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; in conjunction with OGA 2003


4-Day Conference On PetroMin Deepwater Technology
July 14-17, 2003; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
in conjunction with OGA 2003
              After the successful implementation of the CCOP - Exploration Promotion Forum held in Stavanger, Norway in August 2002 and as a continuing effort to promote the Member Countries’ oil and gas industry, CCOP, with the support of PetroMin have made arrangements for some Member Countries to participate in the PetroMin Deepwater Technology Conference. The conference will be held at the Mines and Exhibition Center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 14-17 July 2003 in conjunction with the OGA 2003 - The Asian Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Engineering Exhibition. The theme of the conference "Opportunities & Challenges" focus on deepwater opportunities in the region and the technical challenges the industry faces in developing deepwater fields in the Asia Pacific. CCOP Member Countries participants from Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam will be presenting the offshore/deepwater exploration opportunities in their respective countries. Details of the programme and registration can be found at

CCOP-Exploration Promotion Forum (CCOP-EPF2002)
in conjunction with Offshore Northern Seas (ONS2002)
15th International Conference, Exhibition and Festival
27-30 August 2002, Stavanger, Norway

        In support of the continuous development and promotion of its Member Countries' energy programmes, CCOP with the support of the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) will carry out the Exploration Promotion Forum (CCOP-EPF2002) for CCOP Member Countries in conjunction with the Offshore Northern Seas 15th International Conference, Exhibition and Festival (ONS2002) on 27-30 August 2002 in Stavanger, Norway. The Offshore Northern Seas has long been regarded as one of the premiere and most important meeting places in the energy sector attended by leading professionals all
over the world. PETRAD, the Bridge Group, and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate will be assisting in the planning and execution of the CCOP-EPF2002. Three major activities have been organized for CCOP's participation in ONS2002:
  • CCOP-EPF2002 Conference. The Conference will be held in conjunction with ONS 2002 on 28-29 August 2002 at the Rogaland Art Museum Auditorium, Stavanger Forum Center adjacent to the exhibition ground. The Member Countries will make presentations on the exploration potentials and new license opportunities. Industry experts will be invited to deliver addresses on key issues related to the development of the petroleum resources in the region
  • CCOP-EPF2002 Exhibition. Located at Stand no. G768 in Hall G of the ONS2002 Exhibition Area, CCOP Member Countries will display materials more particularly on the potentials and opportunities for exploration and development. On site interactive demonstration of information and data will also be availabl
  • Side Meetings (Member Countries dialogue with the oil industry). Arrangement will be made for interested representatives from oil companies wishing to conduct private meetings with the Member Countries concerned.
         CCOP will send a 50-member strong delegation to the event showcasing a joint effort from the Member Countries namely Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Korea , Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, in promoting the region's oil and gas industry. Open dialogue with the oil industry is critical for countries with petroleum potential wishing to promote development of their petroleum resources. This meeting could then be viewed as a meeting place for future exploration in the East and Southeast Asia region and will provide a cost-effective market place for CCOP Member Countries to promote their oil and gas potentials to the oil industry. It will also give key decision makers the opportunity to get exposed to market realities
and provide a forum to address issues of regional and industry wide significance.
           For details on CCOP EPF 2002, please see the Final Circular in PDF format.

"The boundaries and names shown and the designations used in this website on CCOP EPF
do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by CCOP."

Copyright © Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP)
24th Floor, Suite 244-5, Thai CC Tower, 889 Sathorn Tai Road, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120, THAILAND
Tel: (662) 672-3080-1 Fax: (662) 673-3082 E-mail:
Last Update: 8 August 2002