Papua New Guinea
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            Papua New Guinea has five major sedimentary basins. Of these, the Papuan Basin has the highest number of wells drilled. The Papuan basin to date has 278 wells drilled. The success rate is quite high in terms of oil and gas exploration. The other sedimentary basins are quite prolific too and comprised of North New Guinea which has 21 wells drilled, Cape Vogel Basin has 5 wells drilled, Bougainville Basin has 1 well, and New Ireland Basin has yet to have a well drilled.
Location map of the five major sedimentary basins in Papua New Guinea
  Papuan Basin - exploration & development hotspot
            Exploration efforts in PNG are often made difficult due to the extreme physiographic and geologic geometry of the Papuan fold and thrust belt. However, the discoveries made so far contain prolific Cretaceous sand reservoirs. The reservoirs have excellent sand quality, good porosity and extremely high permeability. Development wells have high productivity indexes and each well is capable of producing 10,000 bbls of oil per day.
            Of the five major basins in PNG, the Papuan Basin is the current hotspot where most of the petroleum exploration and development work is taking place. The four main rock units that are of interest to exploration drilling and development are; the Darai, Ieru, Toro and Imburu Formations.
            The Darai Limestone is a karsted marine shelf carbonate of Miocene age, highly fractured and varying in thickness from 3000 ft to 5000 ft. The Ieru Formation is a shaly unit which underlays the Darai Limestone and is of the Upper Cretaceous age. It is divided into upper and lower units. Upper Ieru is mainly sandstone and the lower Ieru section is composed of three distinct members; the Bawia, Juha, and Alene members.
            The Toro sandstone underlays the Ieru Formation and is of Lower Cretaceous age. It is the primary reservoir unit in Kutubu and Moran Project oil fields. Toro sandstone formation comprise of Toro A, Toro B and Toro C members. Toro is a clean fine to medium grained quartzitic, marine sandstone. The sands become coarser and more angular as you go from Toro A to Toro C. Thickness of the Toro is about 300 - 400 ft. Permeability can reach up to 2 Darcies and an average porosity of about 15%.
            The Imburu Formation composed of the Upper Jurassic Digimu, Hedinia and Iagifu members. The Digimu member is similar in composition to Toro and in most places is 100 ft thick and has an average porosity of 13%. Fluid gradients observed in Toro and Digimu reservoirs are 0.063 psi/ft for gas, 0.29 psi/ft for oil, and 0.43 psi/ft for water. Pressures range from 2000 - 2800 psia. The Digimu member is a secondary reservoir unit in the Kutubu and Moran fields.
            The Hedinia and Iagifu members of the Imburu are older than the Digimu. In Gobe and SE Gobe fields, Iagifu sandstone is the primary reservoir. The Iagifu is overlain by a mudstone section of Imburu and is approximately 120 to 160 ft thick, and has porosities ranging from 10 - 23% with permeabilities up to 11 Darcies.

Seismic lines location map of Papua New Guinea
Aeromagnetic lines location map of Papua New Guinea
Gravity survey location map of Papua New Guinea

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Last Update: 8 August 2002