Papua New Guinea
Country Profile
Petroleum Geology & Potential
Exploration/Development History
Present Status
Offered Acreage
Contract Terms
Bidding Procedure
Other Information
Access : roads and airstrips
Production Facilities
Central Production Facility(CPF)
Gobe Production Facility(GPF)
Agogo Production Facility(APF)
Production Flow-line
Export Pipeline
Marine Export Terminal
Kutubu Mini Refinery(KMR)
Contact Us
  Access: roads and airstrips
           Current producing fields have access roads where most of the heavy oilfield equipment can be transported. Air transport is readily available in most remote parts of the country, necessitated by the extreme physiography of PNG. Old airstrips are readily available for use if needed.
  Production Facilities
           There are three production facilities that cater for the Kutubu, Agogo and Gobe fields. These facilities are capable of undertaking three main objectives:
a. Processing of crude up to specifications suitable for export;
b. Treatment of Natural gas for re-injection into the reservoirs for storage and pressure maintenance; and
c. Treatment of water for re-injection also for the purpose of pressure maintenance.
  The three Production Facilities include:
       1.Central Production Facility (CPF)
           CPF is situated within the Kutubu oilfield and processes Kutubu crude oil. This facility has the capacity to process up to 120 000 barrels of oil per day and includes utilities such as Slug catchers, Inlet separators, Stabilizers, Gas Compressors and TEG units all used to carry out the three prime objectives already named.
       2.Gobe Production Facility (GPF)
           This Facility is situated within the Gobe oil field. It can process up to 50, 000 barrels of oil per day.
       3.Agogo Production Facility (APF)
           This facility does not process any produced crude oil within the Agogo area and thus is the smallest of the three production facilities. A single inlet separator is utilized for the main purpose of separation of crude oil, water and gas. The different phases of separated fluids are then measured and any gas produced is sent for treatment, compression and re-injection whilst the crude oil and water are recombined for export to the CPF for further treatment. The APF also undertakes measurement of fluids produced from the Moran oil fields (EWT production). Through the use of Moran test separator the produced phases of fluids are separated, measured and finally the crude oil and water are recombined and exported to the CPF for further processing. Any Moran gas is sent to Moran TEG units and Gas compressors for treatment and re-injection within the Agogo field.
  Production Flow-lines
           An extensive system of flow lines and headers provide an efficient gathering mechanism that is used for the transport of produced fluids from the wellheads to the production facilities.
  Export Pipeline
           Currently there is a 261 kilometers of 20-inch export pipeline that connects the current oilfields to an offshore Marine export terminal.
  Marine Export Terminal
           The Marine export terminal is on a platform situated in deep water and readily accessible to oil tankers for offloading.
  Kutubu Mini Refinery (KMR)
           The Kutubu Mini refinery has the sole function to produce fuel hydrocarbons used within the Kutubu Project area and a small quantity is sold to customers within and around the Highlands of PNG. The KMR has a production capacity to process 1500 barrels of oil per day. The products produced are naphthalene, kerosene, diesel and residue.

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Last Update: 8 August 2002