The regional seismic survey will be conducted soon along the National Road #5 from Kampong Chhnang Province to Battambang Province.
  Offshore Exploration
        Following the introduction of new Petroleum Regulations in 1991, an initial Cambodian bidding round was announced, calling for bids on offshore and onshore blocks. Although foreign interest in the onshore blocks was muted, production sharing contracts (PSCs) were awarded to Enterprise (Blocks 1 and 2), Campex (Block 3), and a pairing of Premier Oil and Idemistu (Block 4) in the offshore area.

        As a result, a total of nine wells were drilled and about 13,675 km of 2D seismic lines and 1 050 km2 3D seismic surveys were acquired and processed in these offshore blocks by those companies during 1990-1997. While none of these exploration wells were considered commercially viable at that time, amounts of gas, condensate, and waxy crude oil with low sulphur contents have been found in three of them: Angkor, Koah Tang and Apsara. Other wells, Da-1, Bayon-1, Poulo Wai-1, and Koah Pring-1 have been found to have traces of oil and gas.


        By the end of 1998, limited exploration success and collapse of world oil prices prompted all foreign companies holding the PSCs to withdraw from Cambodia. In the same year, though, an Australian company - Woodside Petroleum was awarded PSCs for Offshore Blocks 5 and 6. Woodside acquired 5 000 km of 2-D seismic lines under the initial two-year exploration period provided by the PSCs. Despite identifying several prospective structures - mainly in Block 5 - the consortium relinquished Block 5 in 1999 and Block 6 in 2000.

        In 1999, Woodside entered into a the Study Agreement with CNPA covering blocks I-IV and VII with the purpose to determine the prospectivity of those blocks and feasibility of developing the discovered reserves. The result of the Study has shown that there is some potential for gas to be present in the area and a model has been developed to assess the reserve potential of the area based on analogue from elsewhere in the Gulf of Thailand. Gas as a stand- alone or in conjunction with condensate is assessed the most viable development scenario.
  Onshore Exploration
          An airborne magnetic and gravity survey conducted by the Japan National Oil Corporation in 1996 identified two deepest sedimentary features in the Tonle Sap Basin. The areas to the north and west of the Tonle Sap Lake is thought most likely to hold hydrocarbons. This is the basin surrounding the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia's largest lake and one of the world's largest fresh water fishing grounds. In the conclusion of the JNOC report, surface geological mapping, higher density rock sampling and 2D- seismic regional line across the grabens were recommended to be carried out in the area.
          In addition, Cambodia has also signed a two-year contract with Mitsui Oil Exploration Co., Ltd to undertake remote sensing study to evaluate the hydrocarbon potentials of the entire Tonle Sap area.
          At the same time, Sinopec from China has conducted a field trip around the Tonle Sap Area to collect rock samples for geochemical analysis.


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Last Update: 8 August 2002