Overlapping Claim Area
        Of greater international interest, there are discussions between Cambodia and Thailand in relation to an offshore region, thought to contain moderate gas reserves, to which both countries have overlapping claims. This area is referred to as the Overlapping Claims Area ("OCA"). It has been estimated by some that the area may hold up to 10 or 11 trillion cubic feet of gas. In late 1997, the Cambodian Government granted conditional exploration licenses to five companies (BHP, Conoco, Enterprise, Idemitsu, and Inpex/Marubeni) in relation to four Areas within the OCA. Exploration may take place in these blocks subject to resolution of the overlapping claims between Cambodia and Thailand. In the 1970's, Thailand awarded concessions to British Gas and Unocal, among others, for exploration in this area. At present, Cambodia and Thailand are discussing the possible joint development of the OCA, which, if agreed and implemented, would allow petroleum companies that have been granted licenses by both Thailand and Cambodia to explore the area in cooperation with one another.
          Negotiation has started in 1995 as the officials of the two countries have discussed and exchanged their views in relation to their respective claims. The discussions have brought about mutual understanding between the two sides.  In 2001, the two parties have signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the area of their overlapping maritime claims to the Continental Shelf.

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Last Update: 8 August 2002