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  Rules For Bidding
Article 1 Any company that has purchased data from China National Offshore Oil Corporation (hereinafter referred to as 'CN00C') in this bidding is qualified to bid.
Article 2 Any qualified company may bid individually (hereinafter referred to as "Bidder"), or several qualified companies may form a group (hereinafter referred to as "Bidding Group") to submit a bid proposal ("Bid Proposal").
Article 3 The provisions for the Bidding Group are as follows:
1. Any qualified company may only participate in one Bidding Group for bidding.
2. Each Bidding Group shall have no more than three (3) Bidders and shall elect one of the Bidders comprising the said Bidding Group to act as the Operator.
3. Each company comprising the Bidding Group shall inform CNOOC by facsimile of the names of the Bidders comprising the Bidding Group, their respective percentage of the participating interest and the name of the company to act as the Operator thereof immediately after formation of the Bidding Group.
4. Bidding Group, while submitting its Bid Proposal(s), shall enclose therein two (2) copies of the draft of the operating agreement agreed upon by each of the Bidders comprising the said Bidding Group. The said agreement shall in no case interfere with the implementation of the Petroleum Contract.
Article 4 The requirements for Bid Proposal are as follows:
1. The Bidder shall, in accordance with Bid Proposal Format (I) provided by CNOOC, fill out the Bid Proposal and Bidding Group shall, in accordance with Bid Proposal Format (II) provided by CNOOC, fill out the Bid Proposal. The Bid Proposal shall be filled out in Chinese or English language, in quadruplicate (one original and three copies), and sealed in a package.
2. The deadline for receiving Bid Proposals from the Bidder and Bidding Group is 4:00 p.m. (Beijing Time) on xx xx,2002.
3. Each Bidder or Bidding Group shall enclose its Bid Proposal with the Power of Attorney for the signatory (ies) of the Bid Proposal or the copy of provisions in Articles of Association relating to the qualification of the signatory (ies), on behalf of the Bidder or the Bidders of the Bidding Group to sign the Bid Proposal.
4. CNOOC shall deem a Bid Proposal invalid if it:
(1) covers only a partial Mea of a Bidding Block; and/or
(2) involves interest less than one hundred percent(100%)in the exploration period; and/or
(3) has not been completely filled out;
Article 5 Each Bidder or Bidding Group may bid on two or more Bidding Blocks.
Article 6 All the Bid Proposals shall be opened by CNOOC at the same time after the deadline for receiving them as stipulated in Item 2 of Article4 hereof.
Article 7 In the course of preparing the Bid Proposal(s),my Bidder or Bidding Group may, from time to time, raise any related question to CNOOC. CNOOC shall arrange the time to respond in an appropriate way.
Article 8 While evaluating all the Bid Proposals received, CNOOC may request any Bidder or Bidding Group to send its representative to Beijing to give further explanation about its Bid Proposal if necessary.
Article 9 CNOOC has the right to negotiate the petroleum contract with any Bidder or Bidding Group selected at CNOOC's discretion. The contract negotiation shall be based on the Model Contract of the Fourth Round Bidding of CNOOC, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Parties (For example: Geophysical Survey Agreement or Joint Study Agreement).
Article 10 The receipt of Bid Proposal(s) from any Bidder or Bidding Group shall not constitute any obligation whatsoever for CNOOC, which obligations shall include but not limited to, to negotiate and sign any petroleum contract, to reimburse the payments for the purchase of the data and document by any Bidder or Biding Group and to explain and elaborate the basis for CNOOC's discretionary decision on the selection of any Bidder or Bidding Group for contract negotiation and award of Blocks.
Article 11 Any Bidder or Bidding Group shall submit its filled out Bid Proposal as specified in Article 4 hereof to CNOOC headquarters in Beijing. CNOOC shall be responsible for receiving, opening and evaluating the Bid Proposal and the negotiation and signing of the Petroleum Contract with the Bidder or Bidding Group.

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do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by CCOP."

Copyright © Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP)
24th Floor, Suite 244-5, Thai CC Tower, 889 Sathorn Tai Road, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120, THAILAND
Tel: (662) 672-3080-1 Fax: (662) 673-3082 E-mail:
Last Update: 8 August 2002