Country Profile
Petroleum Geology & Potential
Exploration/Development History
Present Status
Offered Acreage
Contract Terms
Bidding Procedure
Other Information
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       There are about 222, 914 sq km of total acreage available for the first round. These are located in:


Offshore West Palawan

  • covering NW Palawan, SW Palawan and Reed Bank basins, all of which have proven oil and gas accumulations, and

Sulu Sea

  • covering East  Palawan and Sulu Sea basins which are surrounded and near similar oil / gas geology in Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia.



       Portions of the contract areas offered have recent 3D and 2D seismic data acquired by PGS and WesternGeco, respectively, which are available for purchase by the applicants.

       Following a block reference system used by the DOE, the contract areas offered are defined by 46 rectangular blocks and identified in latitudes and longitudes for easy selection and identification on the map. The contract areas vary in sizes from 2000 sq km to 8000 sq km, with an average of 6,000 sq km.

Index: 12118B 12119A 12119B
11116A 11116B 11117A 11117B 11118A 11118B
10116A 10116B 10117A 10117B 10118A 10118B 10120B 10121A
09116A 09116B 09117A 09117B 09118A 09118B 09119A 09119B 09120A 09120B 09121A
08116A 08116B 08117A 08117B 08118A 08118B 08119A
    07117A 07117B 07118A 07118B
06118A 06118B 06119A 06119B 06120A
05119A 05119B



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do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by CCOP."

Copyright © Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP)
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Tel: (662) 672-3080-1 Fax: (662) 673-3082 E-mail:
Last Update: 8 August 2002